Curriculum – Schemes of Work

We aim to ensure that our children  leave our school with a love of learning. We will do this through providing high quality memorable learning opportunities (experiencology) in all curriculum areas and by encouraging all children to find their ‘voice’. This we believe will improve their life chances.

The school aims to provide a knowledge rich curriculum in a safe learning environment which enables every child to look forward to and be ready for their next stage of education. This curriculum will cover spiritual, academic, physical, artistic, emotional and social education. Through clear Schemes of Work for all subjects, we ensure that learning for all is progressive and sequential. In addition, reading and vocabulary are emphasised in all subjects. These schemes show a clear structure of knowledge and skills which show defined progression and coverage in all subjects. Core skills for each year groups are outlined and recall of this essential knowledge/skills is linked with the children’s current learning. To ensure good progress our pedagogy reflects evidence informed learning which vouches for overlearning through repetition, modelling and scaffolding of learning. Thus, key concepts become embedded in the long-term memory.

All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a broad, rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all of our children. Staff are aware of children who have exceptional talents and gifts and monitor and their progress carefully to ensure their academic potential or talent is continually developed.  

St. Joseph’s is very proud of its broad, rich and balanced curriculum. Please click here to view our curriculum policy where we focus on developing each child’s talents through our holistic curriculum. Where appropriate we use cross curricular opportunities to embed core subjects i.e.  Religion, English, Maths, Science.

The children’s knowledge and cultural capital is further enhanced through our range of high quality learning opportunities beyond the school day.

For an overview of the yearly curriculum for each year group please click here. Information on timetabling and termly learning foci are also found on this page.

Please browse on the icon below to find out more about the rich, varied and broad curriculum we offer our pupils.

Reading Scheme – Oxford Reading Tree
English Writing Scheme
Maths Scheme
Maths Calculation Policy
Maths Presentation for Parents
History Scheme of Work
Geography Scheme of Work
Art & Design & Design Technology Scheme
Art & Design Skills Progression
Design Technology Progression Skills
Physical Education
E-Safety Scheme

For Class specific, termly curriculum information please visit our Class Information page: